Writing Rates
- All freelance writing projects are custom-quoted. Rates vary based on the amount of time and research necessary to complete each project. The following prices are provided for general reference:
- Research Writing: $85 - $145 per hour
- Business Proposals/Plans: $75 - $145 per hour
- Website Content: $80 - $250/page
- Journal/News Articles: $0.85 - $2.50 per word
- Brochures & Fliers: $80 - $850/page
- Newsletters: $0.85 - $1.50 per word
- Resumes: $65 - $100 per hour
- Professional & Creative Bios (interview included): $50 - $75 per hour
- Professional Blogging: $0.55 - $1.00 per word
- Creative Marketing: $0.85 - $2.50 per word
- Editing: $15 (regular) and $25 (deep) per page
- Document Design $100 - $150 per hour
- Critiquing: $3 - $5/page
- Formatting:
- Retyping text from a hard copy: $4 - $7/page
- Reformatting text from an electronic file: $2.50 - $5.50/page
Payment Methods
I accept the following methods of payment.